Referrals, One Of The Three Ways You Can Use To Generate Leads Quicker
Building a personal brand and gaining the trust of your target audience usually takes time. So the best way to quickly acquire your first paying customer while you are working on both is to ask for referrals. This is one of the three ways you can create your lead generation pipeline quickly.
Who should be the right audience you can ask? Well, look for the warmest one. These are the people who know you quite well or are familiar with your physical and online presence. To ask them for referrals, you can either do it via email, physical meet-up over coffee, LinkedIn DM or a combination of these. Do this consistently and practically speaking, you will see a decent pipeline in less than 60 days.
And please, avoid reaching out to the cold ones. You’ll be wasting time there. We knew this because we’ve tried many practical ways with our customers and found out that having a referral program works better and faster than other methods.
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